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  • Writer's pictureNathaniel Hope

Celebrating 5 Years of Sharing Games

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

**EDITOR’S NOTE** From 2012 - 2017 we were still known as Paradigm Gaming 101. Our name has been updated to just “Paradigm Gaming” as of 2017.

Paradigm Gaming 101 is now 5 years old! My how the time files. Paradigm Gaming 101 started out as an idea. An idea that was created by two lifelong friends.

Nerds Uniting The World. One Game At A Time.

These guys have been playing games since the days of the original NES and continue to game on just about every platform to this very day. After BlueNile101 moved to a different state, these two friends kept in touch over the years and played a lot of games via online multiplayer. One day they sought to take their passion of gaming to the next level. With the help and the power of social media, they decided to start a project together. Something that would take their passion for gaming and rally all of their excitement, enthusiasm, and experiences and turn it into something adventurous and fun. They decided to create a gaming Facebook page as well as a YouTube channel.

The idea for the Facebook page was to use it as a central hub for all game related news. BlueNile has an obsession with on goings of the gaming industry. Everything from the news, reviews, trailers, updates and gossip, he just has to know what’s going on in the gaming world. Creating a gaming Facebook page to organize and share all the excitement about games was just the place he was looking for.

The idea for the YouTube channel was to take their excitement and share games that they were having fun with. As BlueNile took charge leading the campaign in the social media world on the Facebook page, Derptaku lead the campaign on the YouTube channel.

But before they could start their adventure they needed to come up with a name for this project. It needed an identity. Something that would rally together their thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Something that would showcase their excitement, enthusiasm, and experiences and turn it into something adventurous and fun.

That’s when the name Paradigm Gaming 101 was created. Paradigm is described like “a model” or “ a standard” or “a prototype”. Gaming made sense since that’s what these guys are all about. But "101" was an interesting approach. Like high school and college courses, they use 101 as an “introductory” or the “the beginning” of a course. Much like “Psychology 101, English 101, or History 101”. When combined, Paradigm Gaming 101 made a lot of sense. It was the beginning of gaming in a new light and the prototype would be the adventure into the unknown with the Facebook page and the YouTube channel.

Derptaku used his magical skills and designed their first logo.

It's so beautiful...

Excited to put themselves out there and share with the world, this was their first introduction.

This project was an ambitions idea. But it was something they were having a lot of fun figuring out. Ideas were bounced back and fourth on a daily basis. The more they created videos and shared posts the more their ideas started to expand. Eventually you start to see the YouTube channel evolve and the Facebook page expand.

This all happened 5 years ago. What is the state of Paradigm Gaming 101 now?

BlueNile101 still takes the charge of the Facebook page sharing gaming news, reviews, updates, and rumors across multiple websites. It still is the main central hub for all things gaming. He has also taken charge with Paradigm Gaming’s graphics and designs.

Still your source for basic nerdocity and gaming!

Derptaku also assists in sharing posts and news as well. But something that has evolved in an awesome way is the addition of the Paradigm Gaming Twitch Channel!

Derptaku's finest work. This isn't even his final form!

Derptaku went from sharing videos on YouTube and has expanded his horizons to the world of Twitch! He started off streaming games and eventually started interacting with other Twitch streamers. Now he has a pretty big following and is very involved in the Twitch community. Over the course of time a new identity started to develop as he became more comfortable with this new setup and layout. With the power of FaceRig, a newly discovered program that is available for purchase on Steam, he has created a new online gaming persona. One that seems to suit his personality very well.

Dawwwwww. It's a kitty!

This is This is Derptaku the Samurai Cat! Definitely adds a new level of fun while watching him play games on Twitch. Derptaku streams on a regular basis with a variety of games on all platforms. Seriously, watch his streams. It’s hilarious and just downright fun.

BlueNile has taken on a few new roles as well. Other than graphic design for the Paradigm Gaming 101 pages and channels, video editing has always been a personal passion. Since Derptaku found out that he loves to stream live on Twitch and interact with other gamers, this left the YouTube channel open for new opportunities. BlueNile now takes the lead on the YouTube channel now with new videos, video editing, and all new gaming segments.

With over 212 videos and counting! Games Games Games!

Videos are uploaded constantly. Ranging from random gaming moments, boss battles, games they want to put in the spotlight that showcase openings, intros, and cut-scenes, as well as full gameplay walkthroughs.

Paradigm Gaming 101 also has opened up a Community Page on the Playstation Network.

"Greatness Awaits" - Playstation

Just another way to share and connect with others in the realm of gaming.

Paradigm Gaming 101 has come a long way in the last 5 years. What started it all to where it has evolved now has definitely been a tremendous journey so far. Who knows where it will go in the next 5 years and beyond. But the core of what Paradigm Gaming 101 is will always remain the same. Paradigm Gaming 101 is really about two friends who just wanted to share their love of games with the world and interact with others who also share in their passions. As long as they keep making games, you can always expect these guys to find some way to share in the excitement and share the experience.

Paradigm Gaming 101 would like to personally thank each and everyone of you who have watched our videos, commented on our posts, dropped us a line to say hi, and shared in our many adventures. We look forward to the games to come and hope you do as well.


BlueNile101 and Derptaku

Let's go find our friend Pyramid Head!

Some of our adventures take us to many different places. We always make sure to bring a camera with us!

We passed a guy named Harry Mason. Said he was looking for his daughter. We recommended the school. We saw a creepy little girl wandering in that direction that matched the look in his family wallet photo.

I heard the Red Queen is pretty hot! How do I get past this big metal door?

Took a ride on a train that took us to some sort of underground warehouse. Who would have thought all of this would be underneath a mansion! We were supposed to stay with the group. That’s what the tour guide said. But we somehow wandered off and ended up here...


We finally made it! Now, let's go find our friend Brad. He's supposed to give us a tour of the Police Station!

They said this place is where dreams come true! Looks like destiny awaits us somewhere within the city! I hope we have a memorable adventure while exploring what this town has to offer. We should probably head downtown. I heard there’s a cool store called Kendo’s Gun Shop!

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The world of gaming has taken our heroes across time and space into the unknown. Where will it take them next?

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