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  • Writer's pictureNathaniel Hope

2019 - A Paradigm Gaming Reflection

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

Paradigm Gaming had an amazing year in 2019! We didn’t realize just how amazing our year was until we began to look back, starting at the very beginning in January. What we found paints a much bigger picture than we could have imagined. There were so many events, milestones, celebrations, and TONS of games played. Compared to previous years, this may have been our biggest year yet as there was no shortage of content, entertainment, laughter, joy, and friendship found within this amazing community! Seriously, scroll down and you will see for yourself.

Get Ready!


January 15th – Marked Paradigm Gaming’s 7th Anniversary! You can read about it here

Est. January 15th 2012

January 19th - After a lengthy hiatus, and back by popular demand, Derptaku brings his Samurai Cat back!

Best pussy on Twitch!

January 21st - Blue created a new panel on Twitch called “Snack Time with Blue

Don't judge me. I love food!

January 26th – Our Soundtrack Saturday Season 2 segment began on March of 2018 and ended on January 26th, 2019 with a track from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

Video game music for your listening pleasure!

January 31st – Paradigm Gaming presents the Jan 2019 – Jeopardy Banjos Compilation

Who ya gonna call? Jeopardy Banjos!


February 6th – Paradigm Gaming teases an incoming announcement!

February 8th – Paradigm Gaming continues to tease the incoming announcement

February 10th – Paradigm Gaming’s tease gets even bigger

February 12th – Paradigm Gaming makes one final tease for their upcoming announcement

February 12th – Thanks to the overwhelming support of the community, BlueNile101 announces that he is attending E3 2019!

February 14th – Paradigm Gaming reveals their surprise with an – Paradigm Gaming reveals their surprise with an Ultimate Friendship Compilation! For Valentine’s Day, we celebrated friendship, the Twitch community, and showcased a few of our favorite streamers.

Life is much sweeter when surrounded by friends

February 26th – New emote! paradiLICK as a Tier 2 emote thanks to Kokaiju Arts! The popular paradiSploosh emote is moved to a Tier 1 emote.


March 1st – BlueNile101 celebrates his 2-Year Twitch Anniversary!

BlueNile101 gushes over Twitch and the community within

March 16th - BlueNile101 becomes a guest streamer over at Omega_Apex128’s Twitch channel for an epic event! To play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker as a 2 player co-op experience! Omega is Link and Blue is Tingle, using the Tingle Tuner!

Two guys, a game, and a lot of laughter...what could go wrong?

March 19th – New Emote! paradiSnack as a Tier 1 emote thanks to Kokaiju Arts!


April 2nd - Derptaku celebrates his birthday with the PC Library Stream Event! He plays games in his huge collection of Steam games starting from A-Z! This becomes a Derptaku staple throughout the rest of the year.

April 13th – New Emote! paradiDerp as a Tier 1 emote thanks to Kokaiju Arts!

April 16th – Derptaku and Kokaiju surprise BlueNile101 with a message from an inherently serious character...

Scuba diving, fighting underwater, shark wrestling...

April 21st – The Nintendo Gameboy Turns 30! BlueNile101 has a special stream dedicated to the GameBoy! Here he is showcasing a cool accessory add-on, the Light Boy!

Brilliant Device!


May 11th – Paradigm Gaming presents the March-April 2019 – Dancing in the Paradigm Compilation

The best of two months all rolled up into one!

May 17th – New Emote! paradiLUL as a Tier 2 emote thanks to Kokaiju Arts!


June 1st - BlueNile101’s final guest appearance on Omega_Apex128’s Twitch channel for the completion of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 2-player co-op experience!

Zelda: Wind Waker 2-Player Co-Op. Oh yes. It can be done.

June 9th - BlueNile101 posts a video message the night before he flies to Los Angeles to experience E3 2019!

June 11th – 13th – BlueNile101 attends E3 2019 with Omega_Apex128, DonDefrag, and SlidinWRX!

An event BlueNile101 will remember forever

June 13th - Derptaku celebrates 6 years streaming on Twitch!

Derptaku rockin the house!

June 23rd – BlueNile101 announces Summer of Sploosh!

This summer is gonna be a total blasty blast!

June 30th – BlueNile101 starts Summer of Sploosh Event with Bioshock 1 on Steam

Things are afoot in the bottom of the ocean...


July – Summer of Sploosh continues with more games!

BlueNile starts a new game with Super Mario Sunshine!


August 6th – Paradigm Gaming announces their new website!

August 6th - Paradigm Gaming started playing Borderlands 2 together, off-and-on since April of 2017! On this day, Paradigm Gaming finally completes the Borderlands 2 co-op Campaign on Twitch!

These two are having way too much fun!

August 26th – Derptaku joins XeroSleep in a WoW Extravaganza Event, gaining hype for the launch of WoW Classic!


September 29th – Summer of Sploosh Event is COMPLETED! The event ends right where it began in the Bioshock series with its sequel, Bioshock 2!

Summer of Sploosh was a success!

September 30th – Derptaku has been playing WoW Classic for over a month and reflects on all the shenanigans he’s experienced since he started his WoW Classic Extravaganza event.

Strength and Honor!


October 19th – TMNT Extra Life Announcement featuring new additions to the team

TMNT just got a whole lot bigger!

October 30th - DreamWarrior showcases his TMNT Extra Life Goals and Incentives


November 4th – Arkanian17 showcases her TMNT Extra Life Goals and Incentives

November 6th – Omega_Apex128 showcases his TMNT Extra Life Goals and Incentives

November 7th – Derptaku arrives in CA to visit BlueNile101 for TMNT 2019 Extra Life!

November 8th – Paradigm Gaming showcase their TMNT Extra Life Goals and Incentives

November 8th – TMNT 2019 Extra Life BEGINS with Omega_Apex128 kicking off the event!

November 8th - Derptaku meets Omega_Apex128 in person for the first time!

November 9th - Arkanian17 starts her Extra Life stream in the morning followed by Paradigm Gaming and friends in the evening

November 10th – Dreamwarrior starts his Extra Life stream

November 11th – Paradigm Gaming begins their 24-hour TMNT Extra Life stream!

November 12th – Swamp_Dwellers starts their Extra Life stream in the morning followed by Dreamwarrior in the evening

November 12th - Derptaku flies back home to WA

We had a blasty blast!

November 13th – Swamp_Dwellers continues their Extra Life stream

November 14th – Swamp_Dwellers continues their Extra Life stream followed by Arkanian17 in the evening

November 15th – Omega_Apex128 continues his Extra Life stream

November 16th – DonDefrag starts his Extra Life stream followed by ALL of Team TMNT to wrap up the event!

TMNT EXTRA LIFE 2019 comes to a close and the whole team has collectively raised a total of $6460.24


December 15th - The Sony Playstation turns 25! BlueNile101 wrote a reflection on his experience with the system and the impact it had on him growing up. You can read about it here.

What a time to be alive!

In the month of December, we took it easy and relaxed a bit. Streams were still a plenty as we played even more games and finished off the year right by enjoying time with our friends and family during the holidays.

Silent Hill in December is nice this time of year

Games we played in the Paradigm

BlueNile101 Completed Over 16 Games on Twitch in 2019

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for help making 2019 an amazing year for us here at Paradigm Gaming. This community, the friendships that we have with so many of you, it never ceases to amaze us, encourage us, and inspire us in all that we do. We look forward to the future and all the fun times to come. But until then, we hope you have enjoyed this year in review and we hope that your new year be filled with as much excitement, wonder, and surprise as we’ve had in 2019.


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